Occurrence list: Albertine Rift
Listed below are the occurrence records from all published datasets.
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DatasetInstitutionCatalogue numberRecorded byBasis of recordCollection dateTaxonCountryState / provinceLocalityDetails
A description of four new species of fleas (Insecta, Siphonaptera) from Angola, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, and PeruA. W. R. McCrae & British Museum Reg. No.PRESERVED_SPECIMEN1961-02-20Aphropsylla conversa Jordan & Rothschild, 1913UgandaBumagabula1149312225
A description of four new species of fleas (Insecta, Siphonaptera) from Angola, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, and PeruPRESERVED_SPECIMEN1910-03-15Aphropsylla conversa Jordan & Rothschild, 1913KenyaMutaragwa1149312122
A description of four new species of fleas (Insecta, Siphonaptera) from Angola, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, and PeruA. W. R. McCraePRESERVED_SPECIMEN1910-03-17Aphropsylla conversa Jordan & Rothschild, 1913UgandaRobin Kemp1149312227
A description of four new species of fleas (Insecta, Siphonaptera) from Angola, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, and PeruTraub & J. Ash & Primary & Pittsburgh, PAPRESERVED_SPECIMEN1973-02-19Aphropsylla truncata Hastriter, 2009EthiopiaBale Province1149312226
A description of four new species of fleas (Insecta, Siphonaptera) from Angola, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, and PeruA. F. R. WollastonPRESERVED_SPECIMEN1906-03-10Aphropsylla wollastoni (Rothschild, 1908)UgandaMubuku Valley1149312228
5 Occurrence records

ARBIMS was developed by the Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS Network) in collaboration with various partners and with support from The JRS biodiversity Foundation (Albertine Rift Biodiversity Portal), The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Great Lakes Portal), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (African Mountains Portal) and the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (EIA Portal).
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ARBIMS (C) ARCOS 2014-2020. Portal designed by Reuben Roberts 2014-2020.