Dataset | Institution | Catalogue number | Recorded by | Basis of record | Collection date | Taxon | Country | State / province | Locality | Details |
A mountain of millipedes IX: Species of the family Gomphodesmidae from the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) | NHMD | NHMD 621675 | L. Sorensen | MATERIAL_CITATION | 1996-03-00 | Emphysemastix dracarys Olsen & Enghoff, 2020 | Tanzania, United Republic of | Iringa Region | Iringa City | 1081896723 |
A mountain of millipedes IX: Species of the family Gomphodesmidae from the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) | NHMD | NHMD 621676 | L. Sorensen | MATERIAL_CITATION | 1996-03-00 | Emphysemastix dracarys Olsen & Enghoff, 2020 | Tanzania, United Republic of | Iringa | Tanzania | 1081896724 |