Title | A new grass frog with rupicolous tadpoles from northern Zambia (Anura: Ptychadenidae) |
IPT link | |
IPT DarwinCore Archive | |
IPT Ecological Metadata | |
Publication date | |
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Dataset contact | Guido Sautter |
Contact organisation | |
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Citation | Channing A, Willems F, plazi (2018). A new grass frog with rupicolous tadpoles from northern Zambia (Anura: Ptychadenidae). Plazi.org taxonomic treatments database. Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4462.3.3 accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-02-29. |
Regions for which the data are useful: | |
Albertine Rift | Yes |
African Mountains | Yes |
Great Lakes | Yes |